URA Regatta Benefactors

The following individuals have contributed financial resources and significant time to the University Rowing Association Championship Regatta. The students, coaches and organizers wish to thank everyone that has given time and money to make sure the race is a success each and every year. Thank you!
2007 Regatta:
Ben Althof, Carnegie-Mellon
Doug Rathburn, Case '97, UChicago GSB'05
2006 Regatta:
Ben Althof, Carnegie-Mellon
Doug Rathburn, Case '97, UChicago GSB'05
2005 Regatta:
Donald Webber-Plank, Carnegie-Mellon
Dan Bachmann, Case '97, Case Med'00
Tim Marcovy, Case Law'77
Chris Stanek, UChicago GSB'01
Doug Rathburn, Case '97, UChicago GSB'05
2004 Regatta:
Chris Stanek, UChicago GSB'01
Jess Vandevusse, UChicago '94
Doug Rathburn, Case '97, UChicago GSB'05
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Last updated March 28, 2006
© 2004-2007 Doug Rathburn