A good friend, and my bowman, sent this message to me. Enjoy.

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Did God sit in bow?

I do not think that God rowed port. You are wrong not only in your
answer of "What side did God row?" But you're QUESTION itself
is flawed. The question should ask, "In what SEAT did God row?"

And we all know that God rowed in BOW seat. My reasons are as follows:

1. God came first (according to scripture or Creationists, if you believe
   in such) Since the BOWman is the first to cross the finish line, it
   only follows that God would row there.

2. God had quite a wit. And as we all know, the Bow seat's second
   job (besides maintaining set, contributing most of the power,
   actually determining stroke rate, eliminating check and calling
   power tens) is to make the rest of the boat laugh and generally
   have a good time.

3. If you are a Cartesian, then a corallary of #1 holds:
   Man created God in his own image; since the only men are Bowmen,
   God must have rowed bow seat.

4. If you adhere to more standard religious beliefs then we must
   all agree that God created man in his own image, that of
   Bowmen, for similar reasons as in #3.

5. God was smart, very smart. Thus it takes a BOWman to point
   out your mistaken notion of the nature of God. Had God rowed
   2 seat (why, I couldn't imagine) then you would have seen the
   error of your ways. But he didn't, so the responsibility of
   setting those who have lost their way on the road to higher
   existence falls on us bowMEN, the direct decendents of God.
   (God would have done this himself, but he is busy rowing BOW
   in preparation for the Henley this summer.)

Twinkie, a concerned bowman 

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Last updated November 30, 2003
© 2003 Doug Rathburn