Pictures from Taliesin in Spring Green, Wisconsin

Doug's parents came to Dubuque for a visit, and we headed to Spring Green, Wisconsin to see Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin. We've been a fan of Wright's work and have even been to see Taliesin West when we went out to visit our friends Jerod & Mylynn in Arizona.

This is a panorama of the coutryard. The tour brings visitors up from behind the property and you enter from the courtyard.

Peggy was our very knowledgable tour guide. We took the House Tour, which takes about 2 hours. Visitors are not allowed to take photos inside the residence so all of my photos are from the exterior. During the inside tour Peggy took us out on a little walkway off of the the Living Room and I snapped the photo on the right. While I followed the letter of the rule, Peggy gave me an odd look. If you'd like to buy a book that has photos of the inside CLICK HERE.

Frank Lloyd Wright was quite fond of Asian designs and there are more than a few artifacts scattered around the property. Here are some nice photos from around the courtyard.

A couple more cool photos from the courtyard.

Erynn and my dad on the tour.

FLW was very practical and apparently liked automobiles. Tucked in behind courtyard to the rear of the eastate are a bunch of offices and car ports. In the left photo you can just make out the courtyard area in the distance. Still operating at Taliesin are a college of architecture and an architecture firm.

After the courtyard and offices, we headed to the north face of the building before entering inside (and had to turn off my camera). Here are a couple photos from the north side.

The left photo was from the walkway I mentioned before during the inside tour. It shows the south face of the building and the rolling Wisconsin green hills in the background. The right photo is another pretty photo tower and hill apartment from the courtyard.

As you arrive at the property from the main road you pass a small man-made lake. Here you can see my folks in front of the small dam that creates the lake. We were waiting for the mini bus to take us back across the road to the visitor center.

My dad and I got tired of waiting for the bus so we decided to walk around the lake and snap a few photos of the property. The visitor center isn't very far away at all. We came across a nice man fishing too.

Pretty self explanatory.

Here are a couple photos of the visitor center. The photo on the right is of the main hall & restaurant.

A couple other buildings on the estate are the Midway Farm (left) and the Unity Chapel (right).

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